Srpsko društvo istraživača raka (SDIR) osnovano je u novembru 2010. godine u Beogradu. Sedište Društva je u Institutu za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije, Pasterova 14, Beograd. Srpsko društvo istraživača raka (SDIR) je nevladino neprofitno udruženje, osnovano radi ostvarivanja ciljeva u oblasti onkologija.
Ciljevi Udruženja su:
1. unapređivanje uslova za istraživanje raka,
2. aktivnosti na organizovanju stručnog usavršavanja članova društva u institucijama u zemlji i inostranstvu
3. organizovanje naučnih i stručnih sastanaka na kojima će se izmenjivati naučne i stručne informacije.
Institut za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije
Pasterova 14
11000 Beograd
Telefon: 381 11 2067.210
Faks: 381 11 2685.300
Veb sajt: www.sdir.ac.rs
The Serbian Association for Cancer Research (SACR) was founded in November 2010 at Belgrade.
SACR’s Head Office was located at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia.
SACR is a non-profit association, established to achieve the objectives in the field of oncology.
The objectives of the association are:
1. Improvement of conditions for cancer research,
2. advanced training,
3. organization of study members at home and abroad,
4. organize professional meetings to exchange scientific information.
Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia
Pasterova 14
11000 Belgrade
Telefon: 381 11 2067.210
Fax: 381 11 2685.300
E-mail: office@ncrc.ac.rs
Website: www.sdir.ac.rs{:}{:}{:en}
The Serbian Association for Cancer Research (SACR) was founded in November 2010 at Belgrade.
SACR’s Head Office was located at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia.
SACR is a non-profit association, established to achieve the objectives in the field of oncology.
The objectives of the association are:
1. Improvement of conditions for cancer research,
2. advanced training,
3. organization of study members at home and abroad,
4. organize professional meetings to exchange scientific information.
Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia
Pasterova 14
11000 Belgrade
Telefon: 381 11 2067.210
Fax: 381 11 2685.300
E-mail: office@ncrc.ac.rs
Website: www.sdir.ac.rs{:}