Oncology Insights - Official Journal of SDIR

Manuscript submission

Preuzmi: Oncology Insights – AUTHOR GUIDELINES (PDF)

By submitting a manuscript, authors affirm that their contribution to Oncology Insights journal is entirely original, has not been published before, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and has received approval for publication from all co-authors. Additionally, tacit or explicit consent must be obtained from the responsible authorities at the institution where the research was conducted.

Authors bear sole responsibility for the contents of their submissions, the accuracy of the experimental findings, and must ensure they possess proper permission from all involved parties to disseminate the data.

In the event that authors intend to incorporate figures or text excerpts from prior publications, they are obligated to seek authorization from the respective copyright holder(s). Evidence of such authorization must be provided upon submission. Materials lacking this evidence will be presumed to originate from authors.

Furthermore, authors must ensure that only those contributors who have made significant contributions to the submission are credited as authors. Conversely, all contributors who have made substantial contributions must be acknowledged as authors.

Authors are requested to send the prepared manuscript to the email address

Pre-Evaluation Manuscript

Manuscripts undergo a preliminary assessment at the Editorial Office to ensure compliance with fundamental publishing criteria and quality benchmarks. Additionally, they are also screened for plagiarism.

Authors will receive an email confirmation upon receipt of their submission. Only contributions adhering to the provided guidelines can proceed for peer-review. Manuscripts not meeting these criteria will be returned to the authors with observations, comments and annotations.

Manuscript preparation

Authors are required to adhere strictly to the provided instructions.

The manuscripts should be written in English with clarity and conciseness. Both American and British English usage are accepted, but a combination of these is discouraged.

The manuscript should contain the title, authors’ names and affiliations, abstract, keywords, the text of the manuscript:

• introduction
• materials and methods
• results
• discussion
• conclusion
• acknowledgments
• references

Mark the position of figures and tables in the text. Please, do not include tables and figures in the manuscript. They should be submitted as separate files.


The title should be clear, not too long but explanatory.
The full name(s) of the author(s)
Write the full name and surname of each author.

The affiliation(s)

Each author’s name is followed by their affiliated department, institution (school, university, research institute, company, or independent scholar status), city and state.

Corresponding author

Clearly indicate who is responsible for correspondence at all stages of publication, including post-publication. Ensure that e-mail address is provided.


Abstract should contain a short review of the methods and the most important results of the work, so that its original text can be used in referential periodicals and databases. Do not include citations in the Abstract.


Keywords are listed in a separate line at the end of the abstract. Maximum of five key words should be relevant to the topic and content of the paper.


The SI system should be used for all scientific and laboratory data.

Photos, drawings and other illustrations should be of good quality. The acceptable image formats include: TIFF and JPEG.


Acknowledgements should be presented in a distinct section located at the conclusion of the article, preceding the references. This section should include any pertinent funding information.


References should be compiled at the conclusion of the article and numbered according to their appearance in the text. The list of references should exclusively comprise works that have been cited in the text, and they should be cited in the language of their original publication.
1. Lopes-Ramos CM, Kuijjer ML, Ogino S, Fuchs CS, DeMeo DL, Glass K, et al. Gene Regulatory Network Analysis Identifies Sex-Linked Differences in Colon Cancer Drug Metabolism. Cancer Res. 2018;78(19):5538-47.
2. Bradbury NA. Chapter 15 – All cells have a sex: Sex chromosome function at the cellular level. Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine (Fourth Edition) 2023. p.231-64.

After Acceptance

Upon acceptance, the corresponding author will be provided with the Authors Statement for signature. We are committed to expediting the publication of your article with precision. To streamline the process, please consolidate all corrections in a single communication. Take care to review thoroughly before responding, as we cannot guarantee inclusion of subsequent correction. Proofreading is the sole responsibility to author.

This is an open access article is under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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