{:sr}{:sr}Kongres SDIR2 je akreditovan kod Zdravstvenog saveta Srbije (evidencioni broj odluke: А-1-1758/15) i nosi 15 bodova za predavače, 13 bodova za usmenu prezentaciju, 11 bodova za poster prezentaciju i 9 bodova za pasivno učešće.{:}{:en}The congress SDIR2 is accredited by the Serbian Health Council for continuing medical education (No А-1-1758/15). Invited speakers will earn 15 CME credits, 13 CME credits will be earned for oral presentation, 11 CME credits for poster presentation and 9 CME credits for passive attendance.{:}{:}{:en}The congress SDIR2 is accredited by the Serbian Health Council for continuing medical education (No А-1-1758/15). Invited speakers will earn 15 CME credits, 13 CME credits will be earned for oral presentation, 11 CME credits for poster presentation and 9 CME credits for passive attendance.{:}