Marijana Pavlović, PhD, Research Assistant at the Department of Experimental Oncology from the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia (IORS) received the prestigious Global Scholar-in-Training Award (GSITA) from the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). AACR offers GSITA awardto support the participation of the promising early-career scientists in the AACR Annual Meeting. This award is intended to enhance the education, training, and professional network of scientists from the countries building cancer research capacities who are engaged in basic, clinical, translational, or epidemiological cancer research. Marijana was selected as one of the fifteenrecipients of this year’sAACR GSITAaward in recognition of a meritoriousproffered paper selected for presentation at the AACR Annual Meeting in April 2022 in New Orleans (Louisiana, USA). The results presented at the conference in the form of poster entitled Nischarin agonist rilmenidine inhibits pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cell migration and invasionare part of the REPANCAN project led by Dr Jelena Grahovacand funded by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia and Horizon 2020 MSC grant.
Link to 2022 AACR GSITA awardees: <a href=““ target=“_blank“ rel=“noopener“></a>