PROJEKTI Upoznajte se sa projektima naših članova Pretraži: Functional diagnostics in non-small cell lung carcinoma – a new concept for the improvement of personalized therapy in Serbian patientsFunctional diagnostics in non-small cell lung carcinoma – a new concept for the improvement of personalized therapy in Serbian patientsProject Acronym: TargetedResponse EXPANDing the value of Extracellular Vesicles as carriers of biomarker and therapy in precision healthcareEXPANDing the value of Extracellular Vesicles as carriers of biomarker and therapy in precision healthcareProject Acronym: EXPAND-EV Development of nature-inspired photoresponsive anticancer agents – sclareol and artemisinin derivatives in cancer multidrug-resistance models: a foundation for the theranostic approachDevelopment of nature-inspired photoresponsive anticancer agents – sclareol and artemisinin derivatives in cancer multidrug-resistance models: a foundation for the theranostic approachProject Acronym: PhotoSCLART Biomimetic tumor engineering to enhance drug discoveryBiomimetic tumor engineering to enhance drug discoveryProject Acronym: BioengineeredTumor Enhancing non-communicable disease research excellence through zebrafish capacity buildingEnhancing non-communicable disease research excellence through zebrafish capacity buildingProject Acronym: ZeNCure Advancing REversible immunocapture toward SCALablE EV purificationAdvancing REversible immunocapture toward SCALablE EV purificationProject Acronym: RESCALE-EV Twinning for a European Consortium of Rectal Cancer Research Institutions through Stepping Up Scientific, Technological and Innovation Excellence of IORSTwinning for a European Consortium of Rectal Cancer Research Institutions through Stepping Up Scientific, Technological and Innovation Excellence of IORSProject Acronym: STEPUPIORS Metabolic effects of bone marrow adipose tissue on multiple myelomaMetabolic effects of bone marrow adipose tissue on multiple myelomaProject ID/Number: 337-00-27/2023-05/11 Platform for ex vivo growth of patient-specific multiple myeloma cells in native-like microenvironment: towards xeno-free production on demandPlatform for ex vivo growth of patient-specific multiple myeloma cells in native-like microenvironment: towards xeno-free production on demandProject ID/Number: 14851 Tracking systemic therapy resistance of lung and colorectal cancer through targeted NGS analysis of genetic and epigenetic variants in liquid biopsiesTracking systemic therapy resistance of lung and colorectal cancer through targeted NGS analysis of genetic and epigenetic variants in liquid biopsiesProject Acronym: TRACEPIGEN 1 2 Sledeće »