Upoznajte se sa projektima naših članova

Functional diagnostics in non-small cell lung carcinoma – a new concept for the improvement of personalized therapy in Serbian patients

Project Acronym: TargetedResponse

EXPANDing the value of Extracellular Vesicles as carriers of biomarker and therapy in precision healthcare

Project Acronym: EXPAND-EV

Development of nature-inspired photoresponsive anticancer agents – sclareol and artemisinin derivatives in cancer multidrug-resistance models: a foundation for the theranostic approach

Project Acronym: PhotoSCLART

Biomimetic tumor engineering to enhance drug discovery

Project Acronym: BioengineeredTumor

Enhancing non-communicable disease research excellence through zebrafish capacity building

Project Acronym: ZeNCure

Advancing REversible immunocapture toward SCALablE EV purification

Project Acronym: RESCALE-EV

Twinning for a European Consortium of Rectal Cancer Research Institutions through Stepping Up Scientific, Technological and Innovation Excellence of IORS

Project Acronym: STEPUPIORS

Metabolic effects of bone marrow adipose tissue on multiple myeloma

Project ID/Number: 337-00-27/2023-05/11

Platform for ex vivo growth of patient-specific multiple myeloma cells in native-like microenvironment: towards xeno-free production on demand

Project ID/Number: 14851

Tracking systemic therapy resistance of lung and colorectal cancer through targeted NGS analysis of genetic and epigenetic variants in liquid biopsies

Project Acronym: TRACEPIGEN