Project ID/Number: 14851
Project title: Platform for ex vivo growth of patient-specific multiple myeloma cells in native-like microenvironment: towards xeno-free production on demand
Project PI and Coordinating Institution: Drenka Trivanovic, Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia (RS)
Funding Institution: Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia and SAIGE
Call Information: Proof-of-Concept
Fields of Science: Life Science/Bioengineering
Consortium/Participating Institutions:
Institute for Orthopedy Banjica, Belgrade, Serbia
Faculty of Mathematics; University of Belgrade, Serbia
Military Medical Academy of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Belgarde, Serbia
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America
Haptic Synaptic d.o.o Belgrade, Serbia and PR Lobotorija Belgarde, Serbia
Grant Duration: 2024-2025
Budget: 20.000,00 € (+30.000,00 €)
Project Abstract:
Multiple myeloma (MM), an incurable cancer of the bone marrow plasma cells, is the second mostfrequent hematological malignancy. Drug efficiency is still a great challenge in treating active MM andminimal residual disease (MRD) in bone marrow. Despite the growing number of anti-myelomatherapeutics approved for clinical use, proliferative clonal fractions persist in bone marrow, even inMRD-negative patients. Existing treatment options are generalized, being ineffective for each MMpatient and are associated with high toxicity, requiring urgent personalized oncology development.However, no bone marrow in vitro drug testing system has been available for extensive drug responseassessment. Our Project aims to establish a miniaturized platform resembling myeloma disease in bonemarrow for growth of patient-specific clonal myeloma plasma cells in xeno-free conditions.Our innovative personalized platform is applicable in biopharma, clinical research, or health institutionsduring pre-clinical/clinical trials for high-throughput and low-cost novel anti-myeloma drug screeningand patient-specific response prediction. With this Project we estimate that proof of concept, IP andownership, and preliminary market analysis will be defined. Supported by a collaborator fromdiaspora, expert from the industry and business advisor, this Project will transfer laboratory resultsinto the market-oriented product/platform and develop commercialization strategy at local and globallevels.
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