The EACR25, 25th Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research in Amsterdam, Netherlands was a great venue for us to hear the latest developments in basic and translational cancer research. We especially enjoyed symposia on cancer microenvironment and advances in immunotherapy. EACR 25 was also an exceptional opportunity for us to present our current research and meet potential collaborators.
We want to thank SDIR for the opportunity to attend this important meeting, which has been a great professional experience for us.
Jelena Grahovac and Marijana Pavlović, Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia.
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Marijana Pavlović | Marijana Pavlović i Jelena Grahovac |
Participation report – Tamara Babić, Research Assistant
„Summer School in Translational Cancer Research” was held from 8th until 12th of October and was organized under the umbrella of Cancer Core Europe in collaboration with the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) and was supported by the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR). Meeting took place on the southern cost of Portugal in Albufeira. Participants were young career researchers and medical doctors on their PhD studies or who have just obtained PhD degree, that work in the field of translational cancer research. Owing to the scholarships provided by Serbian Association for Cancer Research and Cancer Core Europe, I have got the opportunity to participate in Summer School. My name is Tamara Babic and I am investigating the role of SMAD4 alternative promoters in development and carcinogenesis at the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering.
Main topic of the Summer School is translation from basic cancer research to clinical trials and its results implementation in the health care systems. Well recognized lecturers dealt with up-to-date topics related to precision medicine in diagnosis and treatment of malignant diseases, clinical studies in oncology, altered metabolism in cancer cells, biomarkers for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malignant diseases, infection-tumor relation and immunotherapy. Furthermore, there were lectures about scientific influence in designing relevant laws and importance of scientific diplomacy.
Spending whole day together, participants had the opportunity to exchange the knowledge informally on the Portuguese coast or during lunch time. Especially interesting was the fact that participants are into quite different science branches, from bioinformatics and deep learning, through modern clinical studies, to basic research in cancer molecular biology which includes different model systems. Lecturers were available for and interested in discussion during lectures, but also during special social activity “Meet the professor” after dinner time.
Participants presented their research as posters or short oral presentations. Summer vibes in October and fantastic lectures and discussions provided useful and funny experience. I am very thankful for being awarded a travel grant provided by SDIR for attending Summer School. Without the grant I would not be able to participate and gain such an experience.
Tamara Babić, Research Assistant
Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo
Vojvode Stepe 444A, Beograd
Summer School in Translational Cancer Research“, Albufeira, Portugal
Participation report – Dr Mirjana Branković-Magić, SDIR president and Dr Ana Krivokuća
Dr Mirjana Branković-Magić, president of Serbian Association for Cancer Research and Dr Ana Krivokuca, member, were invited by the organizers to give the lectures on 7th Multidiscipilinary Cancer Research & 1st Basic Oncology Congress that was held from 11th to 14th October 2018 in Izmir, Turkey.
Dr Mirjana Branković-Magić gave the lecture “Hereditary breast cancer- looking beyond BRCA genes” where she presented the results of the research on genetics of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers that has been conducted at the Laboratory for Molecular Genetics at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia for more than 10 years. Thanks to the travel grant from Serbian Association for Cancer Research, Dr Ana Krivokuca had the opportunity to give the lecture on the complex process of variant annotation in the era of next generation sequencing. She presented this process and the way it has been conducted at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia through the lecture “Complexities of variant annotation using NGS”.
Besides the opportunity to present their research, Dr Mirjana Brankovic-Magic and Dr Ana Krivokuca had the opportunity to meet and hear the lectures from all over the world. This visit made important contribution to the long term collaboration that exists between Serbian and Turkish Associations for Cancer Research.
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Ana Krivokuća and SDIR president Mirjana Branković-Magić | Ana Krivokuća | SDIR president Mirjana Branković-Magić |
Izveštaj o učešću – Tamara Babić, istraživač pripravnik
Od 8. do 12. oktobra 2018. godine održana je letnja škola pod nazivom „Summer School in Translational Cancer Research“ koju je organizovao German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) pod pokroviteljstvom Cancer Core Europe i uz podršku European Association for Cancer Research (EACR). Skup je održan na južnoj obali Portugala, u mestu Albufeira. Učesnici ovog skupa bili su mladi istraživači i lekari, koji su na svojim doktorskim studijama ili su ih nedavno završili, a bave se translacionim istraživanjem raka. Zahvaljujući stipendijama Srpskog društva istraživača raka i Cancer Core Europe, dobila sam priliku da učestvujem u ovoj školi. Moje ime je Tamara Babić, doktorsku tezu radim na Institutu za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo i bavim se ulogom alternativnih promotora gena SMAD4 u razviću i karcinogenezi.
Glavni fokus letnje škole jeste translacija bazičnih istraživanja raka do nivoa kliničkih studija i primene njihovih rezultata u zdravstvenim sistemima. Predavanja su držali prepoznati naučnici koji su obrađivali teme vezane za integraciju precizne medicine u dijagnostikovanje i lečenje malignih bolesti, kliničke studije u oblasti onkologije, izmenjen metabolizam u tumorima, biomarkere za prevenciju, dijagnozu i lečenje malignih bolesti, povezanost infekcije i tumora i imunoterapijski pristup. Takođe, govorilo se o uticaju nauke na donošenje relevantnih zakona i o naučnoj diplomatiji.
Tokom celodnevnih boravaka zajedno, učesnici su imali prilike da i neformalno razmenjuju informacije na obali Portugala ili tokom zajedničkog ručka. Posebno je interesantno bilo to što se učesnici bave različitim granama nauke, pa su se razmenjivala znanja iz oblasti bioinformatike i modernih sistema „deep learning“, savremenih kliničkih studija i bazičnih istraživanja molekularne biologije tumora koja uključuju rad na različitim model sistemima. Predavači su bili dostupni i raspoloženi za diskusiju tokom predavanja, ali i svako veče u okviru aktivnosti „Meet the professor“.
Učesnici su prezentovali svoja istraživanja u okviru poster sekcija ili kratkih predavanja. Letnja atmosfera u oktobru i fenomenalna predavanja i diskusije pretvorile su školu u veoma korisno i zabavno iskustvo. Svakako, dugujem veliku zahvalnost SDIR-u koji je odobrenim sredstvima pomogao moje učešće u letnjoj školi, koje inače ne bi bilo moguće.
Tamara Babić, istraživač pripravnik
Institut za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo
Vojvode Stepe 444A, Beograd
Izveštaj o učešću – Dr Mirjana Brankovic-Magic, predsednica SDIR i Dr Ana Krivokuća
Dr Mirjana Branković-Magić, predsednica Srpskog drustva istrazivaca raka i Dr Ana Krivokuca, clan ovog drustva su u periodu od 11.10. do 14.10. kao predavaci po pozivu ucestvovale na Sedmom multidisciplinarnom kongresu za istrazivanje raka i prvom onkoloskom kongresu (7th Multidiscipilinary Cancer Research & 1st Basic Oncology Congress) u Izmiru u Turskoj.
Dr Mirjana Branković-Magić je održala predavanje pod nazivom “Hereditary breast cancer-looking beyond BRCA genes” pri cemu je predstavila visegodisnje rezultate istrazivanja koji se sprovode u Laboratoriji za molekularnu genetiku Instituta za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije a ticu se naslednog karcinoma dojke i jajnika. Zahvaljujuci Srpskom drustvu istrazivaca raka koje je stipendijom pomoglo putne troskove, Dr Ana Krivokuca je imala priliku da predstavi je process klasifikacije genetickih varijanti upotrebom nove tehnologije sekvenciranja na ovom kongresu. Predavanjem pod nazivom “Complexities of variant annotation using NGS” prikazala je nacin na koji se ovaj proces sprovodi na Institutu za onkologiju I radiologiju Srbije kao I probleme koje ovaj slozen process nosi sa sobom.
Pored prilike da predstave rezultate svojih istrazivanja, imale su priliku i da cuju radove predavaca iz razlicitih krajeva Evrope i sveta. Ova poseta doprinela je nastavku dugogodisnje saradnje koje imaju srpsko i tursko drustvo za istrazivanje raka.